Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hacking the Rott

Apparently, Emperor Misha I over at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler has recently suffered an attack by cyber Nazis. However, the Rott is back up and I'll bet he's pretty pissed off about things. Nice try Ian! Go express your displeasure at this bs by going to this guy's cess-pool of a site.

I swear, these moronic libtards operate on such an outrageous double standard. "Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee" seems to be their game. Well, I am afraid that hacking attempts are illegal, and we will find you. Who knows what will happen then?

As most of you are probably aware by now, Misha Watch turned out to be an elaborate April Fool's day prank by the all-powerful leader of the Rottweiler Empire, Misha I. Well done your majesty. You got me completely.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

What I'm Reading

I am just starting to wade through John Milton again. The man was a genius, one of the greatest minds in history. Also reading Romeo and Juliet by the Immortal Bard...again. Enough brain candy for now.

I just finished Max Brooks' World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. Not the greatest book I have ever read, but an intriguing one. And I also just finished reading a collection of the 2007 Hugo Award winners.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Adventures in Education

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I was asked to sub for one teacher, and then ended up subbing for about four different ones. I was glad to help out, though. The kids were pretty respectful and all went well.
Yeah, the "except" clause has to be cited.
I'm sure a lot of people remember PE classes from their time in the PS trenches. It's just one of those unfortunate realities with which kids have to deal. The class I subbed for was boy's PE-sixth grade. I was assisting one of the regular coaches, and things went pretty well. The sixth-grade boys acted like...well, sixth grade boys. Unfortunately, the coach I was assisting had moments when he didn't do much better.
I don't see the benefit of calling kids "stupid," nor do I think that kids should be called "idiots." Of course, sometimes they act like they are...but then they are just sixth grade boys, and as Bill Cosby tells us, all children are brain damaged, but they grow out of it.
BTW, if that statement offends you, you just never grew out of it.
For example, there was one kid in this class who was obviously simple, possibly borderline ASD or MR, or something. I am not a diagnostician. The coach told the kids who were not playing flag football to walk around the field for the duration of the period, but this kid just wouldn't do it. The coach looked at him and said "What kind of idiot are you?" and proceeded to yell at him. Didn't work. The kid kept yelling back to him that he was an independent citizen, and so did not have to listen to the coach(!) Whatever this kid's problems, he was able to stymie the coach.
The coach finally asked me to talk to him.
Turns out this kid was a citizen of a place in his head called "Dashtopia." Instead of arguing with him and yelling at him, I simply explained to him that he was standing on American soil, where he was expected to obey the rules, like doing what teachers tell you to do. He had been told to walk, so he had to walk as instructed.
He walked without incident for the rest of the class period.
I'm not tooting my own horn, but it seems to me that if the coach had taken the fifteen seconds to actually listen to this kid and talk on his level, he could have avoided the ulcers and anger that he apparently had developed.
Don't get me wrong. I am not one of those "listen to the children" weirdos. Children are, in general, lying, manipulative, self-centered, deceptive little imps. It's called "human nature" and quite often a good dose of corporal punishment is a good idea. But neither should they be torn down further by being called insulting names.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Trolls are a true pain in the arse. Always have been, always will be. But apparently there is another side of the story that can be quite if we didn't know this already. Apparently public forums are being used by jihadists to spread the Religion of Piss by "breaking the will" of the American people.

Check this out!

BTW, just to clear things up, I am not an Islamophobe. I just have no respect for the religion whatsoever. If that bothers you, then work toward making Islam something worth respecting. Of course that would mean gutting Islamic doctrine, so I won't hold my breath.

Free Speech? Yeah, right...

After spending over half of my life in universities and colleges, as both student and professor, I am truly appalled at the current condition of higher education. I suppose that is one reason I started teaching in public schools where at least you usually know what you are dealing with in the administration, and where that administration usually has a genuine interest in education.

Allahpundit over at Hot Air has this great video of Evan Coyne Maloney making an appearance on "Hannity's America" to chat up his expose on free speech and free thought in America's universities. Go check it out!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What I am Reading

Currently, I am reading Pearls From Peoria, a collection of Philip Jose Farmer's scarcer fiction. I am also reading Mitford's classic The American Way of Death.

I just got through reading Richard K. Morgan's first two Takeshi Kovacs novels, Altered Carbon, and Broken Angels.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Award Winning!

A fine example of my attempt to put my head above my heart comes in the form of the Golden Asshat award(tm), periodically awarded to someone who seems to have his or her head firmly embedded in the terminal end of their colon.

This time, the coveted Golden Asshat award(tm) goes to this nitwit:

Part of the reason I am giving this glorious waste of oxygen the award is because he displays a curious sense of irony, something I am quite fond of. Mike Rectumwad is writing for a website called "Citizens for a Legitimate Government." He cleverly supports this site by writing an article that calls for the complete destruction of our already established and legitimate government. I don't know why they call it "Legitimate Government." Perhaps they should call it "Citizens for a Totalitarian Government not Resembling a Republic." Or maybe "Citizens for a Totaltarian Government Run by OUR Asshats."

In any case, I dub thee Asshat.

First Post

Well, my first post on my first blog. Not sure where this is going, but we shall see.
With so many blogs out there, so many opinions floating around, so many voices in the mix, I guess I have to provide myself with a rationale for why I am doing this. I think it is partially, at least, because I need a forum to express myself and my thoughts about the world around me.
I find myself almost constantly anxious about the happenings in our world, the clash of ideologies, of nations, and of religions. To call it "fear" would not be an overstatement. I have a wife and two young children, and I am often afraid of what kind of world they will grow up in.
However, as a wise man told me at another blog I frequent, one of the most important things to do in this mess is to put your head above your heart. I will try to do that. I may not always succeed, but I will try my best.